Remembering Aaron Lemmon

Remembering Aaron Lemmon

One of our dearest friends passed away Wednesday, January 13, and is now in the presence of His Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Aaron was only 42 and developed an infection after having a routine procedure and his body tragically fell into septic shock.   

Aaron Lemmon really is one of the greatest people I have ever known. We met Aaron and his incredible and beautiful wife, Meredith back when Matt and I were first married and living in Austin...18 years ago now.

They led our community group and we served at the Austin Stone Community Church together (which was a church plant back at that time). We even lived in the same apartment complex for a period of time (before we all had kids) and we just lived life together. No other way to say it. Serving the church, dinners, game night (preferably Sequence), pop a shot, listening to comedian, Brian Reagan, watching 24 (and actually having to be there when it started because this was before the ability to record it. Which also meant watching commercials which was THE WORST), husbands “attempting” to bake a cake for their wives which unfortunately just wasn’t edible. 🙈😂. And a million more things in the comings and goings of the day.  

It was incredibly special time.  

At that time, Matt traveled a lot playing professional golf and before I started traveling and caddying for him, I was obviously home alone a lot. But oddly enough, I never remember ever feeling alone. I had the Lemmons. They just took me in. There was more than one occasion when a smoke detector would start beeping or some other random thing I didn’t know how to take care of came up and all I had to do was call Aaron and he was right over to help. Joyfully. Always joyfully.

It will go down as one of the sweetest seasons of life we have ever had.

God used Aaron and Meredith to help mold and shape us as followers of Christ in ways they could never know. And they didn’t even try. They just...were.

Aaron, simply put, was the best of all the people I know, packed into one person.  I don’t like the comparison game, but trust me, he was better than you. Thing is, he didn’t know it. Everyone else did, but he didn’t. Which again, proves my point.  He was humble, extremely wise, an exceptional husband and father and friend, steady, faithful, high energy, wickedly smart, hard working, servant, great encourager, sincere, clever, FUNNY, focused, determined, kind.

If you knew Aaron, and he knew you... you were better because of it. Just that kind of guy.

It’s a great privilege we have to be able to say that we loved Aaron Lemmon AND that he loved us. 

Time went by and seasons changed. Children, more children, jobs, moving away... LIFE happened.  We didn’t live across the parking lot anymore when life was super easy. But we stayed connected and did our best to see each other when we could. And we always picked right back up, like nothing ever changed. That’s how special the Lemmons are. We just love them. Deeply.

To Meredith, we love you. You are one of the strongest people we know. I witnessed something in you as you sat by your husband’s bedside that can only come from the Lord.  You were unwavering in your hope. Anchored to your Refuge. You continually pointed others to Christ.  That is the work of the Holy Spirit which is so evident in you.  

Our hearts are broken, again. We grieve and mourn, again. And still, our hope and trust in our mighty and Sovereign God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, remain.

Great is Thy Faithfulness. 

“The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord”  Job 1:21 

Aaron leaves behind his wife, Meredith and their four beautiful children.  Please keep them in your prayers.  

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