About The Planner
As you start your journey, we want to make sure that you feel confident using all the built In tools and features of the Faithful Rhythms Planner...
The Faithful Rhythms Planner is a quarterly tool designed to help you cultivate simple faithfulness in all aspects of life. Its thoughtfully crafted layout and durable design make it a reliable companion for daily planning and spiritual growth.

The Daily Pages
Single Word: What Is the single word you need to focus on for the quarter? Choose your word, write It daily.
Pray: Our dedicated space to write your prayers. Clean, messy, random...It doesn't matter, He hears you.
Learn: Summarize your learning from the day. Did you learn something about God? Yourself? Habits? Work?

The Daily Pages Cont..
Intentions: Think of this as your top priorities for the day. Important Meetings, Goals, or time to think about a specific person.
Margin Finder: Simple put, this section Identifies time not taken up by a required task, event, or responsibility. Draw a line through time already taken, and your open times are right there!
To-Do: This Is designed to pair directly with your Margin Finder. Use the

The Weekend
Rest and quality family time are essential. But, remaining In Faithful Rhythm shouldn't stop. The weekend will encourage reflection on the previous week and prepare you for what Is come. With a combined Saturday and Sunday layout, It creates simplicity In your rhythm.

The Gathering
This space serves so many purposes. It's a space to take notes on the teaching you receive at your worship gathering. Also, for many, church Is a place where Ideas and prayers can roll In your head. No you have your planner with you to not miss them!